- Gabby Green Grants: Exelon has donated $10,000 in grants to local school districts for the completion of environmental projects. Examples include outdoor classrooms, water bottle re-filling stations and a birdhouse project to combat mosquitos.
- Artificial Habitats at Braidwood Lake: Since 2007, Braidwood has teamed with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) and local anglers to deploy artificial habitats at Braidwood Lake. This effort combined with the IDNR annual restocking of largemouth bass has significantly enhanced Braidwood Lake. The habitat units are designed to provide multiple benefits to largemouth bass, a favorite of Midwest fishing enthusiasts, at various stages in their life – from acting as a nursery habitat for young fish to providing feeding sites for larger, older bass. To date, nearly 1,000 habitat units have been deployed.