In The News

Passage of Illinois Energy Legislation Preserves Nuclear Plants and Strengthens State’s Clean Energy Leadership

Preservation of zero-emissions nuclear plants prevents harmful pollution and supports more than 28,000 jobs, while protecting consumers from higher energy costs

The UN's Climate Code Red

The United Nations' Code Red warning needs to be taken seriously...

Here's what we can expect to face in the fight against the climate crisis.

Illinois' Nuclear Plants Near 41 Years of Providing Safe, Reliable, Carbon-Free Power

  Exelon Communications  
  [email protected]  

Reliability milestone comes as lawmakers consider sweeping measures to address climate change and the future of energy in Illinois

WARRENVILLE, Ill.  At a time when the nation’s energy grid is increasingly challenged by extreme heat and storms, the four nuclear plants serving Chicago and northern Illinois are approaching a combined 41 years, or 15,000 consecutive days, of continuous service. The Dresden, Byron, Braidwood and LaSalle nuclear plants located outside the Chicago region provide more than two-thirds of the state’s carbon-free energy and are the only clean-energy resources that can operate around-the-clock, 365 days a year.

“Why Illinois Needs Nuclear” Student Art Contest Winners Announced

May 4, 2021

Winners’ school art programs receive $1,000

Nuclear Powers Illinois (NPI) today announced the winners of the “Why Illinois Needs Nuclear” student art contest. The winners’ submissions and a video featuring some of the other submissions can be viewed here.

2021 Art Contest Submissions

Curious about what students in Illinois may think about nuclear power?

Take a look at some of their responses in submissions to our art contest!