In The News

5 Facts about the Byron Nuclear Power Plant

The Byron Nuclear Power Plant's twin cooling towers overlook the scenic Rock River Valley.

Watch our video to learn more about this plant. 


Illinois Nuclear Power Industry By the Numbers

Updated for April 2023: Learn more about the nuclear power industry in our great state of Illinois.

Clean Hydrogen and Nuclear Power: The Perfect Partners?

There are at least five reasons why nuclear power and clean hydrogen may be the PERFECT partners...

1. Nuclear energy is carbon-free. 

2. Nuclear energy is very versatile.


$800M Investment in Byron and Braidwood

Two years ago, Illinoisans rallied to save the Byron and Braidwood Generating Stations from early retirement.

This spring the Constellation Energy Company announced an $800 million investment to increase their output of clean, carbon-free electricity.

2022 NPI Recap

2022 was a monumental year for nuclear power... 

New legislation was passed, public support rose drastically, and the industry made major innovations.  

Watch to learn more about nuclear power’s historic year!