Press Releases

Illinois Clean Energy Legislation Spurs Exelon Generation to Fill 650 Jobs, Invest $300 Million in Capital Projects

Exelon Generation is now hiring hundreds of employees and investing hundreds of millions of dollars to prepare Byron and Dresden for long-term operations

Passage of Illinois Energy Legislation Preserves Nuclear Plants and Strengthens State’s Clean Energy Leadership

Preservation of zero-emissions nuclear plants prevents harmful pollution and supports more than 28,000 jobs, while protecting consumers from higher energy costs

Illinois' Nuclear Plants Near 41 Years of Providing Safe, Reliable, Carbon-Free Power

  Exelon Communications  
  [email protected]  

Reliability milestone comes as lawmakers consider sweeping measures to address climate change and the future of energy in Illinois

WARRENVILLE, Ill.  At a time when the nation’s energy grid is increasingly challenged by extreme heat and storms, the four nuclear plants serving Chicago and northern Illinois are approaching a combined 41 years, or 15,000 consecutive days, of continuous service. The Dresden, Byron, Braidwood and LaSalle nuclear plants located outside the Chicago region provide more than two-thirds of the state’s carbon-free energy and are the only clean-energy resources that can operate around-the-clock, 365 days a year.

“Why Illinois Needs Nuclear” Student Art Contest Winners Announced

May 4, 2021

Winners’ school art programs receive $1,000

Nuclear Powers Illinois (NPI) today announced the winners of the “Why Illinois Needs Nuclear” student art contest. The winners’ submissions and a video featuring some of the other submissions can be viewed here.

Nuclear Powers Illinois Launches “Why Illinois Needs Nuclear” Student Art Contest

Winners’ school art programs will receive $1,000

CHICAGO — Nuclear Powers Illinois is sponsoring the “Why Illinois Needs Nuclear Power” art contest to encourage students to create artwork that best expresses why they believe Illinois needs carbon-free nuclear power and what others should know about its importance.

For more information on requirements and how to participate, please visit:


Exelon Joins Group of Supporters Backing Legislation to Achieve 100 Percent Clean Energy in Northern Illinois

Environmental, community and business leaders join in support of House bill responding to new federal regulations that would prevent existing state clean energy programs from working as intended to support climate goals. 

CHICAGO — Exelon today joined environmental organizations, community leaders, business groups and lawmakers in supporting legislation that will preserve and expand clean energy in Illinois, put the state on track to achieve 100 percent carbon-free power for customers in northern Illinois and meet statewide commitments under the U.S. Climate Alliance. The legislation also guarantees that customers will save money on their energy bills starting in the first year of implementation.

Introduced by state Rep. Larry Walsh Jr. (D-Joliet), the Clean Energy Progress Act addresses new federal regulations that interfere with existing state clean energy programs that were intended to support solar, wind, nuclear and other clean energy resources.

Among other provisions, the legislation will protect the progress achieved under the 2016 Future Energy Jobs Act (FEJA), which laid a path for Illinois to lead the nation in clean energy through the preservation of zero-carbon nuclear power and the advancement of renewable energy. The bipartisan FEJA passed with support from more than 200 business, labor, environmental, faith-based and other groups and has worked to advance the state's climate goals and grow clean-energy jobs while keeping energy costs stable for customers.


LaSalle Generating Station Refueling Outage Powers The Region

More than 1,000 additional workers hired for the outage, powering the community with jobs and clean energy

MARSEILLES, Ill. —Operators at Exelon Generation's LaSalle County Nuclear Station removed the generator from service early this morning to begin a planned refueling outage. Work completed during the outage will help deliver reliable, carbon-free electricity to Illinois customers during the next two-year operating cycle.

To support the work, the station will use the talents and expertise of more than 1,000 additional workers, many of whom travel to LaSalle County from outside the area. For several months preceding and following the outage, the influx of workers provides a significant boost to the local economy.

Illinois Nuclear Plants Operate at Full Power During Record-Breaking Polar Vortex

Despite record cold, all six Exelon Generation Illinois nuclear plants provided around-the-clock, carbon-free electricity for 11 million homes and businesses

WARRENVILLE, Ill. — While arctic winds sent temperatures plunging dangerously and electricity demand soaring this week, Exelon Generation's six Illinois nuclear plants operated at full power, producing enough carbon-free electricity to keep 11 million homes, businesses, schools and hospitals safe and warm.

Exelon Statement on Governor Pritzker’s Decision to Join U.S. Climate Alliance

CHICAGO — Exelon Corp. issued the following statement on Governor Pritzker’s decision to join the U.S. Climate Alliance:

Quad Cities Station Supports Local Charities This Holiday Season

Cordova nuclear plant donates more than $20,000 to regional nonprofits

CORDOVA, Ill.  — Employees at Exelon Generation's Quad Cities Station are focused on giving back this holiday season, providing thousands of dollars to local nonprofit organizations.